Greetings and Welcome to Missouri University of Science & Technology!
The Office of Equity and Title IX is the first stop for any report of discrimination or harassment within our Miner community. We are also here to help build a culture of inclusive excellence through education, outreach, and connecting people to supportive resources if they have experienced discrimination or retaliation because of discrimination.
Missouri S&T is committed to promoting a safe living and learning environment for everyone. That is why this training is so important. This training identifies actions and behaviors that have no place in our community. It will cover sexual harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, alcohol abuse, consent, bystander intervention and provide information where you can find additional resources.
This program will use true-to-life situations and language that will test your knowledge with real-world situations in an engaging format. Some of the topics can be challenging, generating different types of emotions. If, for whatever reason, you are uncomfortable or concerned about the content, you are welcome to contact the Office of Equity and Title IX. We can make arrangements for you to complete the training in a different manner.
By completing this training, you are helping make Missouri S&T a place where we can all thrive and achieve success.
Thank you for your attention and supporting our Miner community.
Dr. Paul Hirtz
Equity Officer & Title IX Coordinator
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